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Choosing Laser Gum Treatment

If you are dealing with gum disease, it’s important to seek professional help. Gum disease can lead to tooth decay and can even increase your risk of serious conditions like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular problems. If you have gum...

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What You Need to Know About Gingivitis

We all know the importance of regularly brushing our teeth. However, many people do not realize that they need to pay just as much attention to their gums. If your gums look or feel different, you may be dealing with a type of...

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The Benefits of Your Child Having a Frenectomy

The frenum is the soft muscular tissue which connects the upper lip and gum tissue on the upper jaw and the tongue and gum tissue on the lower jaw. Both of these connections are between the front teeth. The labial frenum is on top and the...

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When to Consider Gingival Grafting

Receding gums can lead to a variety of dental problems. This condition can be the result of several factors. Gingival grafting is a solution to repair the damage caused by loss of gum tissue. Reasons to Consider Gingival Grafting The loss...

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What Makes Sedation Dentistry Safe

There are millions of people who have anxiety and even a diagnosable phobia when it comes to visiting the dentist. A general sense of nervousness and unease settles in and it’s a hard feeling to shake off. Symptoms can range from...

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When You Might Need a Dental Bone Graft

If you have one or more missing teeth, you want to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your tooth loss, you may first need a dental bone graft. This scary-sounding procedure is actually...

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Dental Sealants: What You Need to Know

Do dental sealants really make a difference? A new CDC Vital Signs report indicates up to 80% of cavities in school-age children can be prevented through the procedure. Evidence indicates they're safe and effective, so why aren't more...

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Why Today’s Dentures are Not Your Grandma’s

False teeth have been around for literally hundreds of years. The first known attempts at creating dentures occurred around 700 B.C. as far as anthropologist can tell. At that time animal teeth or those from other humans were used to make...

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How Best to Give Your Crowns Longevity

Dental crowns are an investment in your smile and in your oral health.  They protect the tooth and add stability and strength to a tooth that otherwise may be further damaged and eventually broken off. Not only does the crown restore...

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The History of the VELscope

If you've ever had an oral cancer screening, it was likely performed with a VELscope. It's used for more oral screenings around the world than any other device of its kind, and is the only one approved by both the United States Food and...

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